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Peanut, New Social Circle, and Family
This is Peanut, the newest member of our family. Peanut is a 2-3 year old Corgi. The reason we do not know her exact age is because we rescued our...
Extensions For Our Minds - Notebooks That Inspire
In 1990, Steve Jobs said "computers is like a bicycle for the mind". We cannot agree more with Steve more. Here at Takara Corner, we like to it a step...
Until Halloween Becomes A National Holidays, We Will Celebrate It Like It Is Anyway
We love Halloween. The monthly-long ghoulish and monster movies. The decorations, setting up for a party and preparing for trick-o-treaters, and the changing of the season. One of our favorite...
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All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Exciting Things Ahead...
Let us share with you our thoughts about the store and exchanging exciting ideas.